Título: ICT in Health
Palestrante: Marcelo Fornazin (UFF / Fiocruz)
Data e local: Quarta, 14 de outubro de 2020 às 16:00 via webconferência em LacaisTube Google Meet Moodle
From telemedicine to artificial intelligence and other applications, digital solutions are transforming the healthcare sector. During the first decade of 2000s the e-health approach addressed information and communication technologies (ICT) in healthcare organizations. However, in the last 10 years this changed to a systemic and population approach based on cloud computing, internet of things, big data and machine learning. These technologies may improve healthcare quality and reduce costs. Nevertheless, questions were raised concerning inequalities in healthcare access and data protection, for example. Therefore, it is necessary to understand what and who is at stake in the aforementioned issues. ICT governance in health is not only necessary for the organizational level basis, but also in the whole healthcare sector and its intersections. This seminar presents insights on Governance of Health ICT based on the Brazilian experience. First, I will present an overview of the Brazilian health system and describe some endeavors related to health ICT in the country. Then, present a theoretical model that highlight analytical categories associated to health ICT. In conclusion, I will elaborate some reflections relating the endeavors and the analytical categories, especially addressing the covid-19 pandemic.