Título: Co-create to better break into the market with new ideas
Palestrante: Zandra Balbinot (UQAM, Canada)
Data e local: Quarta, 25 de novembro de 2020 às 16:00 via webconferência em LacaisTube Google Meet Moodle
Have you ever had the feeling of being “lost in translation” when it comes to telling someone about your project ideas? And when it comes to showing the commercial value of your product/service/apps development? Yet, the message was very clear! How could this person not understand it? The same question is raised by creators of new products/services. In fact, more than 80% of inventions do not succeed in being commercialized. Although various marketing problems are associated with this failure, the most common is the lack of understanding, or even non-acceptance, of the product by the consumer. We are facing a problem of different communication codes. Anything that does not find meaning in our “database” is a source of resistance and, consequently, of non-acceptance and ends up not being bought. The aim of the presentation is to discuss the problem of non-aligned communication codes between stakeholders in product/service development and to show how a co-creation regime (active participation of stakeholders in the idea development process) can help stakeholders (users, consumers, clients) to accept innovation and, consequently, to lead the product/service to breakthrough in the desired market.