Título: Digital government success
Palestrantes: Prof. Ramon Gil-Garcia (State University of New York, USA) / Prof. Marie Anne Macadar (UFRJ, Brazil) / Beatriz Barreto Brasileiro Lanza (BID, Brazil)
Data e local: Quarta, 11 de novembro de 2020 às 16:00 via webconferência em LacaisTube Google Meet Moodle
When analyzing the causes that lead to digital government success or failure, state of the art research is often divided into two main areas: (1) implementation of these initiatives by government agencies and (2) their adoption by citizens, as some of the most important users. Each of these two perspectives has its own concepts, measurements, and theoretical models. This separation becomes significant when trying to have a comprehensive understanding of digital government success and when facing practical problems since factors affecting both governments and citizens contribute to the success or failure of digital government initiatives. Therefore, this paper proposes a comprehensive digital government success model that attempts to integrate implementation and adoption perspectives. In addition, based on data from the 32 states of Mexico, the paper provides an illustrative example of how the proposed model could be used.