Título: System-of-system for supporting decision-making: from heterogeneous data sources to heterogeneous systems
Palestrante: Flavio Eduardo Aoki Horita (CMCC-UFABC)
Data e local: Quarta-feira, 01 de agosto de 2018, às 16h, Santo André, Bloco A, sala S-105-0.
Emerging systems like wearable device environments, mobile apps, and sensors networks have been transforming the way of organizations and communities carry out their business processes and decision-making. These systems when designed as constituent systems within a System-of-Systems (SoS) present new and unique features that cannot be provided by any individual system separately. This may expand the comprehension of variables and thus enhance business analysis. However, the heterogeneity and managerial independence of the constituent systems pose challenges when modeling, designing and developing a SoS. They have their own prerequisites, architectures, and used technologies that might not be flexible to changes or even more may diverge to the overall SoS. Moreover, a SoS often provides information and/or features that do not match target-users’ needs, which in turn could hamper business tasks and decisions. In this manner, we will debate the use of SoS for decision-making in particular existing efforts in the literature that explores or develops approaches of how these systems are organized. In particular, the application scenario of environmental monitoring and disaster management is adopted for motivating the discussions. Eventually, we will present some future lines of works.